I started my saturday off with a Cross Fit session. Teams of two, male/female combinations, had to complete each run together but could split up everything else. Having a female partner makes the weights or body weight exercises extremely tough.
Saturday Morning Workout:
800m Run
175 35lb Kettle Bell Swings
400m Run
300 Body Weight Squats
800m Run
200 Pull ups
250 45lb over head press
400m Run
Here's part of the group doing the over head press. I had already finished!

This is pretty normal to see after the workouts are finished. Let the bodies hit the floor!

After Cross Fit I drove out to the Lake. I have been keeping an eye on the water temperature at Percy Priest Lake over the past few weeks. The lake temperature finally got over 60 degrees and I felt it was time to try an open water swim. With Lone Star Ironman 70.3 in two weeks, I needed to get comfortable swimming in something other than chlorine! I practiced sighting and controlling my breathing under cold conditions.

After the swim I realxed by paddling around in the kayak. Less paddling, more floating and getting a tan to be honest!

I finished out the day with a fast brick. I rode for 36 miles and averaged 21.9 mph on hilly terrain. I have embedded a map on my blog that shows the elevation changes. Unfortunately the scale on the elevation makes the ride seem pretty flat. Trust me, it's not! Total climbing was around 750 feet. I focused my run on race pace and I was pretty close. Ran 5.3 miles in 38 minutes which is a 7:10 per mile pace.
I'm feeling pretty confident about the bike portion of the race. My swim still needs some work and my run will depend on my speed and nutrition on the bike. I think I can put together a solid race with how I've prepared. I have to remind myself that it's only the second half iron man I've ever done and I've only been in this sport for a year and two months. I put a lot of pressure on myself to be the best and sometimes I have to remind myself to take it easy.
Awesome, good luck at the Ironman.