Bikes are a lot like relationships. You ride em' till their too old and then you trade em' in for a new one! I'm kidding... that's wrong to say that... but seriously though. I used the old QR for all it was worth and it was time I upgraded to something that would meet my needs. Here she is!

I found a good deal on Craigslist for a Giant Trinity A1 Triathlon Bike. It fit my budget and had all the options I wanted. Handing the guy that much cash was a little scary but after I rode it for the first time, I knew I had made a good decision. I've increased my bike speed so much! I know it's not about the bike but honestly, upgrading the equipment has been a major part of my increased speed. Since I'm averaging well into the 20's on every ride I do, I felt like it was time for an additional boost in speed. After lots of research, I broke down and got an aero helmet. Here's the new Rudy Project Wingspan!

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