I had to get to the Channel 4 studio early that morning. The news room was less cluttered but every bit as cold as I thought it would be. Here is a picture of the set we filmed the show on.

Once I got in my chair and Kacy was ready to go live, my heart really started to pump. This was way more difficult than it looks! Kacy was having to not only keep the conversation flowing between us but she was having to listen to people talk in her ear about what to do and how long she had left. That has to be stressful! Within the first few minutes something happened that made me really uncomfortable. While I was talking to Kacy, I guess the camera turned off of her and was looking right at me. Evidently there was supposed to be pictures on the screen behind me of some of my races and they weren't showing up. People started to walk towards Kacy and were asking her questions while I was trying to focus on what I was saying. I didn't know what was going on. I thought maybe I had something in my teeth or I was talking about something completely off topic and I didn't realize it! So many things were going through my head it to really threw me off! They finally got whatever it was fixed and the camera panned back out to show Kacy listening attentively when only moments ago, it's seemed like chaos for a second!
The interview went really good I think. You always think of things you wanted to say after the fact but I think I got my point across rather well. Here is the link for the show http://www.wsmv.com/video/22379605/
This is a picture of me and Kacy after the taping was finished. I had a great time and it was fun to share my story with whoever happened to be listening that day!

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