I decided to make today, April 21, my last day at Eco-Energy. I'll celebrate my independence from a calculator, rail maps and a cubicle desk. Coincidentally, today is also the day that Texas Celebrates it's independence from Mexico in the Battle of San Jacinto. So it's a great day to be free from what you were a slave to I guess! On another note, this is the second time I'm leaving Eco. Well, technically I've tried leaving several times, but I've actually only left twice. The first time I was laid off but they had the grace to bring me back for a victory lap! I've been blessed to work with some of the greatest people and friends I've ever known. At Eco I've worked for two bosses and I can honestly say that bosses don't get any better than Kim and Tim. The Ethanol industry is a really fascinating market to study and I'm glad I had the opportunity to be apart of it.
Today starts a new beginning for me. I begin my journey into a new profession and life. I'm excited about the changes that will take place and I pray that I'll be able to get through any obstacles I may face along the way. I'm going to miss Nashville. I can't believe I've been here for 7 years! Tennessee has become my home but Texas will always have my heart!
To further add to today's excitement, I got row 10 tickets to see Bon Jovi tonight! In the past year, I've got free tickets to see Styx, Fleetwood Mac, REO Speedwagon, Night Ranger, John Mayer, and several Predators games. I'm seriously hated among coworkers and friends because of my luck. I've just got good friends... but I guess that's a pretty lucky thing to have!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I had my first triathlon of the season this past weekend. The race was held on the MTSU campus and was hosted by the Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. I chose this race over the Trideltathon that I did last year in Knoxville because of its close proximity to Nashville. My primary goal for this race was to practice going through the transition areas on a much smaller scale to better prepare myself for the half ironman this coming weekend. The swim distance was 300 meters, snaking down 12 lanes with 5 second interval start times. There was a 50 yard run from the pool to transition area 1 where the bikes were set up. The bike distance was 10.32 miles and was really flat. The run was a little longer than a 5k at 3.14 miles (think alpha delta PI!)Just like the bike, the run was really flat and fast.
I started the swim 1:10 after the first person jumped in the water. Last year I did a pool sprint during the Trideltathon and I started in the middle of the pack. I learned my lesson from last year and started closer to the front. This helped out considerably. I didn't have too many issues with people getting backed up on the walls trying to duck under the lanes. My time was 5:07 for 300 meters. My pace was 1:42 per 100. It's definitely not where I want to be but it is a huge improvement over last year. Almost one year ago from this race, I averaged 2:15 per 100 in a 400 meter race.

Running into T1 went really smooth. My transition time was pretty fast given where my bike position was on the rack. I especially wanted to do well on the bike. The course was pretty flat and I wanted to prove to myself that I could average over 20mph on the bike. I averaged 23.38 mph for the 10.32 mile ride. The first 5 miles out were a little slow. There was definitely a head wind and some false flats that snuck up on me. The 5 miles back to campus were fast. I kept a blistering pace where I really didn't fall beneath 26 or 27 mph. If this course was stretched out longer, I think I could maintain 22 mph over a 56 mile course. I didn't feel like I put 100% into the bike but I think leaving a little on the bike set me up for a good run.

The bike racks in the transition area were built about a foot too tall. That meant your bike hung off the ground and it made the rack unstable. I ran in full speed to T2 and tossed the bike on the rack. The force made the rack tip over and I caught it just before it crashed to the ground. I probably wasted about 15 seconds trying to get the rack back together.

The run course didn't have mile markers so I had trouble gauging how fast I was running. I haven't done any training for a race that required me to sprint after I finished biking so I had trouble judging my speed. I decided to keep my pace fast but not so fast that I might get injured or affect my fitness level. In all seriousness, I was a little worried about that part. My "A" priority race is Lonestar 70.3, not a short sprint triathlon. I caught a few people on the run and maintained a good pace for the 3.14 miles. I averaged 6:08 minutes per mile which allowed me to finish 1st in my age group and 4th overall.

I have really improved a lot since last year. I need to keep reminding myself that I've only been doing this sport for a year. I've started from scratch in both the swim and the bike and I continue to increase my speed and endurance. Right now I feel pretty confident in my ability to perform this coming weekend at Lonestar Ironman 70.3
I started the swim 1:10 after the first person jumped in the water. Last year I did a pool sprint during the Trideltathon and I started in the middle of the pack. I learned my lesson from last year and started closer to the front. This helped out considerably. I didn't have too many issues with people getting backed up on the walls trying to duck under the lanes. My time was 5:07 for 300 meters. My pace was 1:42 per 100. It's definitely not where I want to be but it is a huge improvement over last year. Almost one year ago from this race, I averaged 2:15 per 100 in a 400 meter race.

Running into T1 went really smooth. My transition time was pretty fast given where my bike position was on the rack. I especially wanted to do well on the bike. The course was pretty flat and I wanted to prove to myself that I could average over 20mph on the bike. I averaged 23.38 mph for the 10.32 mile ride. The first 5 miles out were a little slow. There was definitely a head wind and some false flats that snuck up on me. The 5 miles back to campus were fast. I kept a blistering pace where I really didn't fall beneath 26 or 27 mph. If this course was stretched out longer, I think I could maintain 22 mph over a 56 mile course. I didn't feel like I put 100% into the bike but I think leaving a little on the bike set me up for a good run.

The bike racks in the transition area were built about a foot too tall. That meant your bike hung off the ground and it made the rack unstable. I ran in full speed to T2 and tossed the bike on the rack. The force made the rack tip over and I caught it just before it crashed to the ground. I probably wasted about 15 seconds trying to get the rack back together.

The run course didn't have mile markers so I had trouble gauging how fast I was running. I haven't done any training for a race that required me to sprint after I finished biking so I had trouble judging my speed. I decided to keep my pace fast but not so fast that I might get injured or affect my fitness level. In all seriousness, I was a little worried about that part. My "A" priority race is Lonestar 70.3, not a short sprint triathlon. I caught a few people on the run and maintained a good pace for the 3.14 miles. I averaged 6:08 minutes per mile which allowed me to finish 1st in my age group and 4th overall.

I have really improved a lot since last year. I need to keep reminding myself that I've only been doing this sport for a year. I've started from scratch in both the swim and the bike and I continue to increase my speed and endurance. Right now I feel pretty confident in my ability to perform this coming weekend at Lonestar Ironman 70.3
Monday, April 12, 2010
Good Weekend Training
I love to schedule my training around weekends that will have perfect weather. The high this weekend was in the mid 70's, no wind and not a cloud in the sky!
I started my saturday off with a Cross Fit session. Teams of two, male/female combinations, had to complete each run together but could split up everything else. Having a female partner makes the weights or body weight exercises extremely tough.
Saturday Morning Workout:
800m Run
175 35lb Kettle Bell Swings
400m Run
300 Body Weight Squats
800m Run
200 Pull ups
250 45lb over head press
400m Run
Here's part of the group doing the over head press. I had already finished!

This is pretty normal to see after the workouts are finished. Let the bodies hit the floor!

After Cross Fit I drove out to the Lake. I have been keeping an eye on the water temperature at Percy Priest Lake over the past few weeks. The lake temperature finally got over 60 degrees and I felt it was time to try an open water swim. With Lone Star Ironman 70.3 in two weeks, I needed to get comfortable swimming in something other than chlorine! I practiced sighting and controlling my breathing under cold conditions.

After the swim I realxed by paddling around in the kayak. Less paddling, more floating and getting a tan to be honest!

I finished out the day with a fast brick. I rode for 36 miles and averaged 21.9 mph on hilly terrain. I have embedded a map on my blog that shows the elevation changes. Unfortunately the scale on the elevation makes the ride seem pretty flat. Trust me, it's not! Total climbing was around 750 feet. I focused my run on race pace and I was pretty close. Ran 5.3 miles in 38 minutes which is a 7:10 per mile pace.
I'm feeling pretty confident about the bike portion of the race. My swim still needs some work and my run will depend on my speed and nutrition on the bike. I think I can put together a solid race with how I've prepared. I have to remind myself that it's only the second half iron man I've ever done and I've only been in this sport for a year and two months. I put a lot of pressure on myself to be the best and sometimes I have to remind myself to take it easy.
I started my saturday off with a Cross Fit session. Teams of two, male/female combinations, had to complete each run together but could split up everything else. Having a female partner makes the weights or body weight exercises extremely tough.
Saturday Morning Workout:
800m Run
175 35lb Kettle Bell Swings
400m Run
300 Body Weight Squats
800m Run
200 Pull ups
250 45lb over head press
400m Run
Here's part of the group doing the over head press. I had already finished!

This is pretty normal to see after the workouts are finished. Let the bodies hit the floor!

After Cross Fit I drove out to the Lake. I have been keeping an eye on the water temperature at Percy Priest Lake over the past few weeks. The lake temperature finally got over 60 degrees and I felt it was time to try an open water swim. With Lone Star Ironman 70.3 in two weeks, I needed to get comfortable swimming in something other than chlorine! I practiced sighting and controlling my breathing under cold conditions.

After the swim I realxed by paddling around in the kayak. Less paddling, more floating and getting a tan to be honest!

I finished out the day with a fast brick. I rode for 36 miles and averaged 21.9 mph on hilly terrain. I have embedded a map on my blog that shows the elevation changes. Unfortunately the scale on the elevation makes the ride seem pretty flat. Trust me, it's not! Total climbing was around 750 feet. I focused my run on race pace and I was pretty close. Ran 5.3 miles in 38 minutes which is a 7:10 per mile pace.
I'm feeling pretty confident about the bike portion of the race. My swim still needs some work and my run will depend on my speed and nutrition on the bike. I think I can put together a solid race with how I've prepared. I have to remind myself that it's only the second half iron man I've ever done and I've only been in this sport for a year and two months. I put a lot of pressure on myself to be the best and sometimes I have to remind myself to take it easy.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Rudy Project Wingspan Aero Helmet

When I got home from work yesterday, I only had about 30 minutes to test out my new Rudy Project Wingspan Aero helmet. I was like a kid who runs home from school to test out his new baseball glove before he goes to practice. I tore off my clothes at the door and quickly got into my tri suit. I pulled my bike out into the street and hopped on for a ride. In my mind I had built up the speed that would come from this helmet. I was going to fly like a bullet! I could tell a noticeable difference over my regular road bike helmet. The ride was a lot louder from the wind moving around the helmet. It was a loudness that I had not experienced before. I couldn't tell if I was actually going faster because of the helmet or if it was the speed work I had been doing over the past few weeks. Lately I've been making some big gains in my biking abilities and it's hard to distinguish between physical gains and gains made my mechanical upgrades. I've read online how the best investment that maximizes speed per dollar spent is in an aero helmet. So when faced with the decision to invest in a Zipp wheel set or an aero helmet, I went the cheaper, more efficient route. I know the helmet is making a difference. I think the difference can be seen in my power output. I don't have enough background knowledge to tell if the aerodynamics of the helmet increased my power output by X percentage. I know that I biked pretty fast yesterday and I could feel the wind flying past my helmet. But that's all I can really say at this point. I don't have a negative thing to say about it. The only definite positive that I can state is that it's light weight and it's not bulky in size. Once I ride a few more times with it on and switch it out with my old helmet, I'll update my thoughts and opinions.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
I went to Tunica for a friends Bachelor Party. This will be a short post because I've been sworn to not give any details.
This was my first time to a casino. I probably slept a total of 3 hours a day. If I wasn't playing black jack, I was eating at the buffet. Our group was comped every meal so I just ate and gambled. Little did I know they pumped oxygen into the Casino. Looking back that made so much sense! You could smoke inside the casino but yet, it didn't smell very smokey. Also, it was so easy to stay awake and gamble from 12pm to 8am... yea that's right! Thursday through Sunday I gambled till 8am! I can see how it is addicting. I'm glad Tunica isn't any closer than it is. This may explain why I I could get addicted... this is after 2 days of non stop gambling. I think the picture is taken at 9am which explains why I look like I've been ran over! I started with $200 and here is about $1,800!
This was my first time to a casino. I probably slept a total of 3 hours a day. If I wasn't playing black jack, I was eating at the buffet. Our group was comped every meal so I just ate and gambled. Little did I know they pumped oxygen into the Casino. Looking back that made so much sense! You could smoke inside the casino but yet, it didn't smell very smokey. Also, it was so easy to stay awake and gamble from 12pm to 8am... yea that's right! Thursday through Sunday I gambled till 8am! I can see how it is addicting. I'm glad Tunica isn't any closer than it is. This may explain why I I could get addicted... this is after 2 days of non stop gambling. I think the picture is taken at 9am which explains why I look like I've been ran over! I started with $200 and here is about $1,800!

here's where I stand
Since February 15, 2010 I have logged 25,700 yards (16.06 miles) of swimming, 565 miles of biking and 140 miles of running. In less than three months, Nashville has had some really bad weather. We had a cold winter that made running and biking outside nearly impossible. I refuse to run on a treadmill and I definitely couldn't afford an expensive bike trainer. Most of my miles have been logged the past month and a half. We are starting to have excellent weather and I'm excited to train outside. I have a small sprint triathlon at MTSU next Sunday and Lonestar Ironman 70.3 in Galveston, TX the following Sunday. I purposely scheduled the small sprint tri the weekend before my big race because I want one trial run of going through T1 and T2. It's only a 300 yard pool swim, 10 mile bike and 3 mile run. I don't want to absolutely kill the course in fear that something may happen and would cause me to drop out of the IM 70.3. I just needed something short and quick, this was it.
As it stands, I think I'm capable of doing a 4:45 half ironman. My first half IM last year was a learning experience and I was happy to finish at 5:35. I'm faster than I was last year and a lot smarter. I've learned from my mistakes and have capitalized on every opportunity to improve myself as a triathlete. I think I can go 36 min on the swim, 2:30 on the bike and 1:40 on the run. With transition times and hopefully being conservative in my estimated finish times for each category, I think 4:45 is reachable.
After that race is finished, I have one more week in Nashville then it's off to Miami. The training down there will be epic! I'll be able to get some long, flat, windy rides in that will prepare me for IM Florida in November. I've got a good feeling about this sport. I don't want to over shoot myself but I've only been biking and swimming for a year now. My running has always been good but now I've got to teach myself to run better off the bike. I like where things are going. Who knows, maybe I'll be in Kona one day fighting to keep Crowie and Lieto off my heels!
As it stands, I think I'm capable of doing a 4:45 half ironman. My first half IM last year was a learning experience and I was happy to finish at 5:35. I'm faster than I was last year and a lot smarter. I've learned from my mistakes and have capitalized on every opportunity to improve myself as a triathlete. I think I can go 36 min on the swim, 2:30 on the bike and 1:40 on the run. With transition times and hopefully being conservative in my estimated finish times for each category, I think 4:45 is reachable.
After that race is finished, I have one more week in Nashville then it's off to Miami. The training down there will be epic! I'll be able to get some long, flat, windy rides in that will prepare me for IM Florida in November. I've got a good feeling about this sport. I don't want to over shoot myself but I've only been biking and swimming for a year now. My running has always been good but now I've got to teach myself to run better off the bike. I like where things are going. Who knows, maybe I'll be in Kona one day fighting to keep Crowie and Lieto off my heels!
Better Nashville
One of my friends from College, Kacy Hagerty, is the host for WSMV Channel 4's Better Nashville. She asked me to come on and talk about triathlons and how I got started in the sport. She was doing a series of talks about how people can get back in shape and make something of their lives. I was a little nervous about accepting the role because I would be on live TV. My nerves quickly calmed down because I was talking about a subject I loved and 9 times out of 10, the conversations I have are triathlon related. The night before my big day on TV, I practiced some of the things I wanted to say. Kacy wanted me to stress the importance of fitness and how it can improve your life. I've already given this speech to lots of people who seem to be struggling in their current situation, so I was comfortable with what I would say.
I had to get to the Channel 4 studio early that morning. The news room was less cluttered but every bit as cold as I thought it would be. Here is a picture of the set we filmed the show on.

Once I got in my chair and Kacy was ready to go live, my heart really started to pump. This was way more difficult than it looks! Kacy was having to not only keep the conversation flowing between us but she was having to listen to people talk in her ear about what to do and how long she had left. That has to be stressful! Within the first few minutes something happened that made me really uncomfortable. While I was talking to Kacy, I guess the camera turned off of her and was looking right at me. Evidently there was supposed to be pictures on the screen behind me of some of my races and they weren't showing up. People started to walk towards Kacy and were asking her questions while I was trying to focus on what I was saying. I didn't know what was going on. I thought maybe I had something in my teeth or I was talking about something completely off topic and I didn't realize it! So many things were going through my head it to really threw me off! They finally got whatever it was fixed and the camera panned back out to show Kacy listening attentively when only moments ago, it's seemed like chaos for a second!
The interview went really good I think. You always think of things you wanted to say after the fact but I think I got my point across rather well. Here is the link for the show http://www.wsmv.com/video/22379605/
This is a picture of me and Kacy after the taping was finished. I had a great time and it was fun to share my story with whoever happened to be listening that day!
I had to get to the Channel 4 studio early that morning. The news room was less cluttered but every bit as cold as I thought it would be. Here is a picture of the set we filmed the show on.

Once I got in my chair and Kacy was ready to go live, my heart really started to pump. This was way more difficult than it looks! Kacy was having to not only keep the conversation flowing between us but she was having to listen to people talk in her ear about what to do and how long she had left. That has to be stressful! Within the first few minutes something happened that made me really uncomfortable. While I was talking to Kacy, I guess the camera turned off of her and was looking right at me. Evidently there was supposed to be pictures on the screen behind me of some of my races and they weren't showing up. People started to walk towards Kacy and were asking her questions while I was trying to focus on what I was saying. I didn't know what was going on. I thought maybe I had something in my teeth or I was talking about something completely off topic and I didn't realize it! So many things were going through my head it to really threw me off! They finally got whatever it was fixed and the camera panned back out to show Kacy listening attentively when only moments ago, it's seemed like chaos for a second!
The interview went really good I think. You always think of things you wanted to say after the fact but I think I got my point across rather well. Here is the link for the show http://www.wsmv.com/video/22379605/
This is a picture of me and Kacy after the taping was finished. I had a great time and it was fun to share my story with whoever happened to be listening that day!

Buying Speed
I finally had to say good bye to the Quintana Roo. It was a good beginner bike but was giving me lots of issues. It got me through several small triathlons, a half ironman, 3 bike wrecks and no flat tires over 1,500 miles of pavement! The QR has found a new home though. I found someone to buy her who is training for their first triathlon so I know it's in a good place!

Bikes are a lot like relationships. You ride em' till their too old and then you trade em' in for a new one! I'm kidding... that's wrong to say that... but seriously though. I used the old QR for all it was worth and it was time I upgraded to something that would meet my needs. Here she is!

I found a good deal on Craigslist for a Giant Trinity A1 Triathlon Bike. It fit my budget and had all the options I wanted. Handing the guy that much cash was a little scary but after I rode it for the first time, I knew I had made a good decision. I've increased my bike speed so much! I know it's not about the bike but honestly, upgrading the equipment has been a major part of my increased speed. Since I'm averaging well into the 20's on every ride I do, I felt like it was time for an additional boost in speed. After lots of research, I broke down and got an aero helmet. Here's the new Rudy Project Wingspan!

Bikes are a lot like relationships. You ride em' till their too old and then you trade em' in for a new one! I'm kidding... that's wrong to say that... but seriously though. I used the old QR for all it was worth and it was time I upgraded to something that would meet my needs. Here she is!

I found a good deal on Craigslist for a Giant Trinity A1 Triathlon Bike. It fit my budget and had all the options I wanted. Handing the guy that much cash was a little scary but after I rode it for the first time, I knew I had made a good decision. I've increased my bike speed so much! I know it's not about the bike but honestly, upgrading the equipment has been a major part of my increased speed. Since I'm averaging well into the 20's on every ride I do, I felt like it was time for an additional boost in speed. After lots of research, I broke down and got an aero helmet. Here's the new Rudy Project Wingspan!

A new direction
First of all, my posts have been so erratic because I do not have a home computer. Yea, that's right. In fact, I haven't had one since my sophomore year of college when I let my family have it. I simply haven't had a big need for it. I blogged the most when I was employed at Eco. Not on company time of course ;) That will change very soon because I am buying a Mac Book Pro in a week or so! Since January, this is what I've been up to.
The same company that laid me off hired me back! Basically I got a four month paid vacation! I was hired to help out the Strategic Director on a project till May. The structure has helped immensely. But with that structure came some hardships. It was the first time I had to wake up before 7am and use my brain for more than a few hours at a time! I was so tired that I would come straight home and fall asleep at 7pm! Doing something other that accounting has been a wonderful change. I always thought that I wanted to be an accountant but I've learned that it's just not for me. The job tasks that I currently have assigned to me are much more appealing. They allow me to use some of my best strengths like problem solving and creativity. Knowing this, it will be hard to leave a profession that I love so much.
I've decided to take a step in a new direction. After the major earthquake in Hati, I tried and failed to get on several mission trips to help with disaster relief. I was denied every trip because I did not have medical experience. I thought to myself, how can I make this happen? Why not go back to school and get my nursing degree (BSN). To myself and most everyone else, it seemed like a drastic change and maybe border line irrational to be so impulsive. I've got a good job and I can do a lot with my accounting background. Going back to school means more student loan debt and having to deal with paying bills without an income. Also, I feel like I should be more settled at the age of 25 and the thought of getting out of school at 28 seems scary. Those of you who are a lot older than me, 28 probably seems very young. And I'm sure it is but it's difficult for me to see that at this point.
I think there is something to be said for knowing what you don't want to do in life. It's an invaluable thing to know. I'm glad I stuck with the degree I did and pursued a career that allowed me to use what I learned in school. Now that I've given it a go, I can honestly say that it is not for me. There is nothing about accounting that I find exciting or beneficial. I don't want to sit at a desk crunching numbers just to get a pay check every two weeks. I am better and have more to offer than that. I love to help other people, travel and come home at the end of the day feeling like I made a difference. I can make all these things happen if I become a nurse. I'll constantly be in situations where I can make peoples day better by what I do. I'll have the option of being a travel nurse where I can go anywhere I could possibly dream of. The work hours are great and will also allow me to have several days off in a row to do my ironman training and travel. I also have the option of advancing my career within nursing to anesthesiology which would bring in a large income with the same time off as a nurse.
I'm currently scheduled to move from my home of 7 years in Nashville to Miami. I have the opportunity to live rent free for a while and get my pre-requisites out of the way in one of the coolest (hot) places in the US. I'm single and have zero obligations so this seems like a great opportunity. It's scary moving to a new place and pursuing a new career but I'm more focused and dedicated than I was in college and I know that if this is something I really want to do, I'll make it happen. I never would have thought I'd do a half ironman last year, let alone find the time train for it. But I did. I've proven to myself that if I want something bad enough, I can get over the obstacles and make it happen.
I've got a month before I move and still have a long list of things to finish and accomplish. The next three weekends I have a sprint triathlon, a half ironman and a wedding. My job takes up the majority of my day and any left over time is dedicated to preparing for the half inroman in Glaveston, Texas. I've still got to move out of the house, filter out what I'm taking to Miami and what stays here in Nashville and get my student loan situation figured out for my classes. Needless to say, I'm going to have a lot to write about. It's a good outlet at least.
The same company that laid me off hired me back! Basically I got a four month paid vacation! I was hired to help out the Strategic Director on a project till May. The structure has helped immensely. But with that structure came some hardships. It was the first time I had to wake up before 7am and use my brain for more than a few hours at a time! I was so tired that I would come straight home and fall asleep at 7pm! Doing something other that accounting has been a wonderful change. I always thought that I wanted to be an accountant but I've learned that it's just not for me. The job tasks that I currently have assigned to me are much more appealing. They allow me to use some of my best strengths like problem solving and creativity. Knowing this, it will be hard to leave a profession that I love so much.
I've decided to take a step in a new direction. After the major earthquake in Hati, I tried and failed to get on several mission trips to help with disaster relief. I was denied every trip because I did not have medical experience. I thought to myself, how can I make this happen? Why not go back to school and get my nursing degree (BSN). To myself and most everyone else, it seemed like a drastic change and maybe border line irrational to be so impulsive. I've got a good job and I can do a lot with my accounting background. Going back to school means more student loan debt and having to deal with paying bills without an income. Also, I feel like I should be more settled at the age of 25 and the thought of getting out of school at 28 seems scary. Those of you who are a lot older than me, 28 probably seems very young. And I'm sure it is but it's difficult for me to see that at this point.
I think there is something to be said for knowing what you don't want to do in life. It's an invaluable thing to know. I'm glad I stuck with the degree I did and pursued a career that allowed me to use what I learned in school. Now that I've given it a go, I can honestly say that it is not for me. There is nothing about accounting that I find exciting or beneficial. I don't want to sit at a desk crunching numbers just to get a pay check every two weeks. I am better and have more to offer than that. I love to help other people, travel and come home at the end of the day feeling like I made a difference. I can make all these things happen if I become a nurse. I'll constantly be in situations where I can make peoples day better by what I do. I'll have the option of being a travel nurse where I can go anywhere I could possibly dream of. The work hours are great and will also allow me to have several days off in a row to do my ironman training and travel. I also have the option of advancing my career within nursing to anesthesiology which would bring in a large income with the same time off as a nurse.
I'm currently scheduled to move from my home of 7 years in Nashville to Miami. I have the opportunity to live rent free for a while and get my pre-requisites out of the way in one of the coolest (hot) places in the US. I'm single and have zero obligations so this seems like a great opportunity. It's scary moving to a new place and pursuing a new career but I'm more focused and dedicated than I was in college and I know that if this is something I really want to do, I'll make it happen. I never would have thought I'd do a half ironman last year, let alone find the time train for it. But I did. I've proven to myself that if I want something bad enough, I can get over the obstacles and make it happen.
I've got a month before I move and still have a long list of things to finish and accomplish. The next three weekends I have a sprint triathlon, a half ironman and a wedding. My job takes up the majority of my day and any left over time is dedicated to preparing for the half inroman in Glaveston, Texas. I've still got to move out of the house, filter out what I'm taking to Miami and what stays here in Nashville and get my student loan situation figured out for my classes. Needless to say, I'm going to have a lot to write about. It's a good outlet at least.
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